I had a number of interruptions in my writing times last month with two out of town trips by car - I have yet to master typing while driving. This month is getting into the Holiday Season and while I am not working in retail anymore it does have an effect on so many things that I am doing. Singing in the church choir around this time of year involves extra rehearsals and performances and of course when asked to volunteer for something I have yet to learn the word n_ (See I can't even type it.)
But in spite of all of that I am writing again. Still have about four and a half chapters left in this current one. I have two more after this one in the series and I have a couple of people urging me to write a sequel to my first novel. Then there are others who want me to write more poetry and an autobiography.
Honestly, an autobiography! I find my life so boring that I have to have a friend write the about the author page for each of my novels. Who would want to read about my struggles? Don't we all have struggles enough of our own?
I suppose I would write it if I thought that it would help anyone in any way but it would seem to me to be just a matter of ego.
So it's back to the current novel, I'll keep you posted on its progress.